Robe Fits SD , SD13 & SD13 BOY This is a very easy pattern. It only has 4 seams . and is very similar to the cloak. the main difference between a robe and a cloak is a robe has sleeves. This pattern uses a traditional tunic design often called a “T” tunic by the SCA. Basically, a T shape is cut and stitched together to form sleeves and body. This type of pattern has been used for centuries from Rome medieval Europe up to British airborne troops in WWII . it has been used for everything from a

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Pattern sizes  SD – Sd10 – Sd13 boy       YOSD This is a basic paint pattern which was originally drafted for people new to sewing 3rd , 4th scale clothing, it was drafted to have very forgiving seams and to make small parts easy to fit. PJ Pants, boxers  PJ Pants and  Boxers  use nearly the same directions, so if you learn one you learn both. With right sides together, stitch FRONT to BACK at seam 25 only..    With the right sides together, stitch the crotch at seam 23. This is the front half of the crotch. Do

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