Fits SD , SD13 & SD13 BOY
This is a very easy pattern. It only has 4 seams . and is very similar to the cloak. the main difference between a robe and a cloak is a robe has sleeves.
This pattern uses a traditional tunic design often called a “T” tunic by the SCA. Basically, a T shape is cut and stitched together to form sleeves and body.
This type of pattern has been used for centuries from Rome medieval Europe up to British airborne troops in WWII . it has been used for everything from a beggar’s shirt to a queen’s dress for this pattern it’s being used for the robe.
Robe Directions
The cloth needs to be folded in froths.
Start by folding the cloth in half top to bottom.
Next fold the cloth left to right. you should now have four layers of cloth with a fold at the top and another fold along the left side.
Cutting the robes main body
You’ll need a peace of cloth two times the height and two times the with of the pattern peace.
The cloth needs to be folded in froths.
Start by folding the cloth in half top to bottom.
Next fold the cloth left to right. you should now have four layers of cloth with a fold at the top and another fold along the left side.
Unfold the cloth. You will now have a piece of cloth that looks like an oldly shaped cross with a hole in the middle
Using the pattern as a guide cut a line from the bottom edge to the whole in the center of the cloth. This will be become the opening for the front of the robe.
Hem hem 2 on both sides of sleeves.
Yes, I know your mother told you to him last. But trust me you will be glad later if you him the sleeves 1st.
Fold back of robe under front .With right sides together sew seam 5 from hem line of cuff all the way up the sleeve down the front back seam all the way down to hem 11
Robe uses the same hood as the cloak pattern. this part of the directions are basicacly the same.
With right sides together, pin the hood pieces together. Using a straight stitch, sew seam 3.
With right sides together, align center BACK with the bottom back of ROBE where seam 3 ends.
Pin seam 4 hood to seam 4 ROBE.
Stitch from center of the back to the front on each side. (Starting in the middle of the seam and sewing to the edge on hoods and collars helps to keep the ends even.) Then hem 11 all the way around the robe and hood with one hem.
Note on the hood : Don’t panic , if you end up with the hood seem is to long . or if the robe seam is to long . this could happen because of the way the robe was cut on the double fold. Or if the seam allowance on the hood is just a little off. Just make sure the back of the hood is centered on the back. And you can make up for the unevenness when you hem the edge
To make a Robe With Lining
For a lined robe, repeat all of the above a 2nd time with your lining fabric. Pin the two Robes right sides together. Stitch around the outer edge, leaving a small opening to turn the Robe right side out through. After turning the cloak right sides out through this opening, sew up the up the opening by hand. opening by hand. …